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  • Writer's pictureTunbridge Wells Alliance

Alliance raises concerns that councillors did not have access to documents

Alliance raises concerns that councillors did not have access to documents

Cllr Hayward and Cllr Pope raised concerns that at least 12 councillors did not have access to or had not accessed 40 documents containing supporting evidence for the pre-submission Draft Plan that went to the Full Council on Wednesday, 3rd February, 2021.

The documents included reports from consultants tasked with assessing the overall sustainability of the Tudeley and East Capel proposals, and details of the master planning which has been carried out on East Capel.

This revelation has not gone down well with a number of councillors or with the Save Capel campaigners.

The Alliance group believes councillors should have access to all the available information to make well informed decisions. This is part of the Alliance’s drive to make the council more transparent and accountable.


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